
Please be aware that these league tables should NOT be considered any indicator of balance. Many things affect the factions standings in this table including the skill of the players using that faction, model availability, thematic popularity etc.

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Faction Name Alignment Best in Race Times Played No. Players Podiums Score
Elves Good Tom Robinson 51 32 8 269.34
Undead Evil Alan Thompson 58 37 11 265.33
Ogres Neutral Keiran Lambert 33 20 7 261.34
Nightstalkers Evil Paul Fox 22 10 12 245.07
Varangur Evil Elliot Morrish 31 15 4 234.66
The Herd Neutral Dan King 16 8 7 230.13
Goblins Evil Jon Gunns 36 14 6 218.67
Forces of the Abyss Evil Nick Williams 15 12 4 205.47
Forces of Nature Neutral Kev Honeysett 26 14 2 199.47
Dwarfs Good Chris Silcox 46 28 6 185.13
Basileans Good Jonathan Luke 12 6 2 181.20
Brotherhood Good Richard Tomlinson 12 9 0 174.40
Kingdoms of Men Neutral Richard Heath 20 13 0 173.09
Ratkin Evil Martin Dinsley 18 10 5 164.80
Orcs Evil Matt James 25 17 2 163.47
Twilight Kin Evil Paul Fordham 16 9 2 162.44
Abyssal Dwarfs Evil Daniel Hall 11 8 0 155.48
Empire of Dust Evil Ed Herzig 17 7 0 136.45
Salamanders Good Rob Burman 6 6 0 101.19
Trident Realm of Neritica Neutral Ed Herzig 2 2 0 89.79
The League of Rhordia Neutral James Coldrick 1 1 0 16.80