


Click here for a full explanation of the ranking calculations.

Player Summary

# Player Events Podiums Avg Score Ranking Score
1 Nick Williams 6 1 48.51 205.65
2 Daniel Wolfgang Wright 2 0 35.30 70.60
3 Tom Robinson 1 1 62.40 62.40
4 Richard Jackson 1 0 22.80 22.80
5 Matthew Dewsnap 1 0 21.14 21.14
6 Danny Flash Graves 1 0 19.20 19.20
7 Jacob Woods 1 0 5.96 5.96
8 Toby Payne 1 0 3.49 3.49
9 Richard Tomlinson 1 0 0.00 0.00

All Results

Date Event Player Allies Position Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
2019-01-1212th Jan19 UK Masters 2018 Richard Tomlinson 4 of 16 0.00
2019-02-022nd Feb19 King of the North Nick Williams 10 of 16 19.95
2019-02-2323rd Feb19 Another Four Foot Snake Thing Nick Williams 3 of 40640564.2% 95.00
2019-03-1717th Mar19 The Coming Storm Nick Williams 5 of 20454056.8% 51.20
2019-04-2121st Apr19 Easter Beaster Tom Robinson 1 of 18742093% 62.40
2019-04-2727th Apr19 Warborne Easter Endurance Matthew Dewsnap 11 of 14 21.14
2019-07-2727th Jul19 South West Clash Nick Williams Basileans 9 of 24578557.9% 56.00
2019-08-3131st Aug19 Battle Masters 2019 Jacob Woods 21 of 22437543.8% 5.96
2019-09-2828th Sep19 Clash of Kings UK 2019 Nick Williams 40 of 86764563.7% 54.65
2019-09-2828th Sep19 Clash of Kings UK 2019 Toby Payne 84 of 86507542.3% 3.49
2019-03-3030th Mar19 Tides of War 11 - Iron Resolve Daniel Wolfgang Wright 6 of 16 41.80
2019-03-3030th Mar19 Tides of War 11 - Iron Resolve Richard Jackson 11 of 16 22.80
2019-07-066th Jul19 King Beyond the Wall 5 Nick Williams 12 of 16 14.25
2019-07-077th Jul19 Kings of War Family Event Danny Flash Graves 9 of 12 19.20
2019-09-077th Sep19 Tides of War 13 Daniel Wolfgang Wright 7 of 12472559.2% 28.80