Riftforged Orcs



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Player Summary

# Player Events Podiums Avg Score Ranking Score
1 Richard Miles 13 1 49.41 221.77
2 Steve H 5 1 51.38 199.97
3 Simon Tanner 3 2 61.33 184.00
4 Jerry Marshall 2 0 44.34 88.67
5 Andy Marshall 1 1 82.69 82.69
6 Matt James 1 0 42.00 42.00
7 Thomas Rogers 1 0 19.00 19.00

All Results

Date Event Player Allies Position Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
2022-09-033rd Sep22 Shroud of the Reaper - Clash of the Titans Richard Miles 5 of 18932062.1% 68.44
2022-04-2929th Apr22 GrotCon Richard Miles 9 of 1000% 14.00
2022-06-1818th Jun22 Northern Kings GT 2022 Richard Miles 20 of 38717062.3% 50.00
2022-06-1818th Jun22 Northern Kings GT 2022 Steve H 17 of 38603052.4% 57.89
2022-08-2020th Aug22 Battle Masters 2022 Richard Miles 9 of 26702570.3% 59.54
2022-08-2020th Aug22 Battle Masters 2022 Andy Marshall 2 of 26791079.1% 82.69
2022-08-2020th Aug22 Battle Masters 2022 Steve H 4 of 26679568% 76.08
2022-08-1313th Aug22 Swords of Summer - God's Descend Richard Miles 8 of 20830555.4% 58.50
2022-10-011st Oct22 Clash of Kings 22 Steve H 42 of 64628554.7% 35.94
2022-01-2222nd Jan22 Winter Wonderland Richard Miles 10 of 16531075.3% 33.25
2022-03-2626th Mar22 Easter Beaster Richard Miles 13 of 16280344.5% 19.00
2022-07-099th Jul22 Dawn of War 2 Richard Miles 4 of 14497062.1% 58.14
2022-09-1717th Sep22 Dawn of War 3 Richard Miles 6 of 1400% 47.57
2022-11-2626th Nov22 Dawn of War The Finale Richard Miles 8 of 14523543.6% 42.00
2022-10-2222nd Oct22 Cold Up North @ The Ribble Rumble Richard Miles 18 of 28824071.7% 38.50
2022-07-1616th Jul22 South West Clash Richard Miles 6 of 30637555.4% 83.33
2022-07-1616th Jul22 South West Clash Jerry Marshall 17 of 30769566.9% 46.67
2022-07-1010th Jul22 Rift Wars 22: Summer Steve H 8 of 10371053.8% 21.00
2022-05-2828th May22 Kings of War- 1 day Tournament Jerry Marshall 6 of 12323054% 42.00
2022-11-066th Nov22 The Second Birmingham Bullrun: Bullfight! Simon Tanner 9 of 24291148.6% 56.00
2022-10-1515th Oct22 Vc Games Presents: Battles in the Undercroft Thomas Rogers 13 of 16369053.5% 19.00
2022-09-1111th Sep22 Rift Wars 22: Autumn Steve H 2 of 12533577.3% 66.00
2022-11-1919th Nov22 T T Tournament Richard Miles 1 of 10437572.9% 70.00
2022-11-1313th Nov22 Clash at Cardiff Matt James 6 of 12524065.7% 42.00
2022-10-1515th Oct22 Kings of War: 1 day Tournament Simon Tanner 3 of 10359060% 56.00
2022-12-1717th Dec22 Battle for the Dwarven Ale Simon Tanner 1 of 12529876.8% 72.00