Order of the Brothermark



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Player Summary

# Player Events Podiums Avg Score Ranking Score
1 Mark Cunningham 7 0 27.20 119.57
2 Gary Martin 1 0 52.87 52.87
3 Michael Smith 1 0 52.86 52.86
4 Ian Sturgess 1 0 33.25 33.25

All Results

Date Event Player Allies Position Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
2021-10-099th Oct21 Clash of Kings Tournament 2021 Mark Cunningham 77 of 87733053.1% 12.64
2021-10-099th Oct21 Clash of Kings Tournament 2021 Gary Martin 42 of 87730052.9% 52.87
2021-07-033rd Jul21 The Southern Crown Mark Cunningham 8 of 14522558.2% 42.00
2021-11-066th Nov21 Throne of Ages Mark Cunningham 6 of 14364060.7% 47.57
2021-11-066th Nov21 Throne of Ages Michael Smith 5 of 14424570.8% 52.86
2021-11-077th Nov21 Throne of Ashes Ian Sturgess 10 of 16360060% 33.25
2021-11-077th Nov21 Throne of Ashes Mark Cunningham 12 of 16345557.6% 23.75
2021-09-044th Sep21 It's a Troll FFS Mark Cunningham 30 of 38476047.6% 23.68
2021-09-2525th Sep21 Mantic Kings of War at the LGT Mark Cunningham 15 of 16638546.3% 10.75
2021-12-1111th Dec21 Cold Up North Tournament- Ribble Rumble Mark Cunningham 10 of 14554545.3% 30.00