


Click here for a full explanation of the ranking calculations.

Player Summary

# Player Events Podiums Avg Score Ranking Score
1 Emma Berry 9 0 56.28 229.45
2 Dan King 4 2 51.73 175.43
3 Daniel Kennedy 2 2 67.50 135.00
4 Robert Aspland 3 0 26.92 80.75
5 Timothee Aubriot 1 0 76.76 76.76
6 Elliot Morrish 1 0 52.86 52.86
7 Ian Whipp 1 0 39.17 39.17
8 Nick Roberts 1 0 28.00 28.00
9 Sharad Vora 1 0 9.50 9.50

All Results

Date Event Player Allies Position Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
2024-11-1616th Nov24 Kings of Warfare III Emma Berry 7 of 44631063.3% 86.36
2024-12-088th Dec24 Shroud of the Reaper - Slay Bells Ring 3 Nick Roberts 14 of 20372552.9% 28.00
2024-06-2929th Jun24 The Southern Crown IV Ian Whipp 15 of 24701561% 39.17
2024-10-2626th Oct24 War of the Roses 2 - This time its personal Robert Aspland 34 of 40552548% 17.50
2024-09-1414th Sep24 Clash of Kings UK 2024 Timothee Aubriot 44 of 185922066.8% 76.76
2024-09-1414th Sep24 Clash of Kings UK 2024 Emma Berry 61 of 185946068.6% 67.57
2024-10-1212th Oct24 The War up North Part 3 Emma Berry 6 of 22761066.2% 71.09
2024-06-088th Jun24 Pride of the Shire III: Third Breakfast Emma Berry 10 of 26404556.2% 56.23
2024-07-2727th Jul24 Battle Masters 2024 Dan King 19 of 30515551.6% 36.00
2024-08-1717th Aug24 Northern Kings GT 2024 Emma Berry 18 of 38504543.9% 55.26
2024-04-1313th Apr24 TT Tournament Four Bring Out Your Dead Dan King 1 of 16702578.1% 76.00
2024-04-1313th Apr24 TT Tournament Four Bring Out Your Dead Sharad Vora 15 of 16370041.1% 9.50
2024-04-066th Apr24 Lords of Leods Elliot Morrish 5 of 14528976.7% 52.86
2024-07-066th Jul24 Kings of Liverpool IV Emma Berry 8 of 1400% 37.00
2024-11-022nd Nov24 Lords of Leodis Emma Berry 5 of 10467067.7% 42.00
2024-07-2020th Jul24 Farm Wars 4 Daniel Kennedy 1 of 12626090.7% 72.00
2024-08-033rd Aug24 Farm Wars 5 Daniel Kennedy 2 of 10624090.4% 63.00
2024-06-1515th Jun24 Lords of Leodis Emma Berry 13 of 16210030.4% 19.00
2024-10-1919th Oct24 Battle of the Blood Orange II Dan King 3 of 14495571.8% 63.43
2024-11-022nd Nov24 TT Tournament 5 Robert Aspland 16 of 16342549.6% 4.75
2024-11-3030th Nov24 Cold Up North Tournament- Ribble Rumble 30 year Club Celebration Dan King 14 of 20648056.3% 31.50
2024-11-3030th Nov24 Cold Up North Tournament- Ribble Rumble 30 year Club Celebration Robert Aspland 8 of 20722062.8% 58.50
2024-11-3030th Nov24 Cold Up North Tournament- Ribble Rumble 30 year Club Celebration Emma Berry 5 of 20768566.8% 72.00