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Player Summary

# Player Events Podiums Avg Score Ranking Score
1 Elliot Morrish 7 1 47.59 188.40
2 Jonathan Faulkes 7 1 32.37 151.42
3 Chris Christopherson 2 1 72.40 144.80
4 Matthew Walker 2 1 37.03 74.06
5 Sharad Vora 1 0 73.33 73.33
6 Paul Smith 2 0 26.27 52.54
7 Paul Fordham 2 0 11.05 22.09
8 Sharad Voar 1 0 12.80 12.80
9 Ant Purdie 1 0 12.69 12.69
10 Adam Boam 1 0 11.40 11.40
11 Scott Weldon 1 0 11.20 11.20
12 Adam Bassett 1 0 9.51 9.51
13 Nick Davies 1 0 5.95 5.95
14 Mike Roberts 1 0 5.70 5.70
15 Ron Leacy 1 0 5.33 5.33

All Results

Date Event Player Allies Position Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
2016-09-2424th Sep16 AltiBASH 2 Elliot Morrish 4 of 16 49.40
2016-09-033rd Sep16 Battle Masters Jonathan Faulkes 13 of 16 15.20
2015-12-066th Dec15 Christmas Carnage Nick Davies 24 of 26 5.95
2016-09-2525th Sep16 Clash of Kings (Scotland) Ant Purdie 11 of 14 12.69
2016-10-2323rd Oct16 Clash of Kings Elliot Morrish 12 of 75 85.33
2016-10-2323rd Oct16 Clash of Kings Jonathan Faulkes 35 of 75 54.67
2016-10-2323rd Oct16 Clash of Kings Chris Christopherson 19 of 75 76.00
2016-10-2323rd Oct16 Clash of Kings Matthew Walker 49 of 75 36.00
2016-10-2323rd Oct16 Clash of Kings Sharad Vora 21 of 75 73.33
2016-10-2323rd Oct16 Clash of Kings Paul Smith 47 of 75 38.67
2016-10-2323rd Oct16 Clash of Kings Ron Leacy 72 of 75 5.33
2016-02-2828th Feb16 Clocks of War 2 Jonathan Faulkes 4 of 12 54.00
2016-05-1414th May16 Doom of the Kindred Lord Jonathan Faulkes 2 of 16 42.75
2016-05-1414th May16 Doom of the Kindred Lord Mike Roberts 15 of 16 5.70
2016-05-1414th May16 Doom of the Kindred Lord Adam Boam 13 of 16 11.40
2016-09-1111th Sep16 Elemental Kings Chris Christopherson 1 of 26 68.80
2016-08-2727th Aug16 Fall of Ironhold Jonathan Faulkes 9 of 12 19.20
2016-03-2626th Mar16 Invasion of the Varangur Jonathan Faulkes 7 of 12 21.60
2016-10-088th Oct16 Mhorgoths Gambit Jonathan Faulkes 15 of 20 19.20
2016-10-088th Oct16 Mhorgoths Gambit Sharad Voar 17 of 20 12.80
2016-04-099th Apr16 Purgatory Matthew Walker 3 of 14 38.06
2016-06-1919th Jun16 Slaughter at the Sanctuary Elliot Morrish 14 of 24 30.80
2016-06-1919th Jun16 Slaughter at the Sanctuary Scott Weldon 21 of 24 11.20
2016-04-1010th Apr16 Spring Tides War Paul Fordham 18 of 26 17.86
2016-03-1313th Mar16 Springs of War Elliot Morrish 5 of 22 53.67
2015-12-2020th Dec15 Steel City Kings Elliot Morrish 5 of 12 38.40
2016-06-1919th Jun16 Summer Tides War Paul Fordham 14 of 14 4.23
2016-01-2424th Jan16 The Winter Crown Elliot Morrish 8 of 22 33.55
2016-09-1111th Sep16 Tides of War Paul Smith 15 of 18 13.87
2016-01-2424th Jan16 Winter Tides War Adam Bassett 12 of 14 9.51
2016-03-2727th Mar16 Winters End Elliot Morrish 1 of 10 42.00