


Click here for a full explanation of the ranking calculations.

Player Summary

# Player Events Podiums Avg Score Ranking Score
1 Simon Clifford 3 3 65.32 195.95
2 Matt James 1 0 47.60 47.60
3 Phil Dangerfield 1 0 33.60 33.60
4 Ed Herzig 1 0 28.50 28.50
5 Callum Maccuaig 1 0 25.60 25.60
6 Nick Davies 1 0 22.40 22.40
7 Richard Miles 2 0 7.50 15.00
8 Andrew Ashton 1 0 12.80 12.80
9 Jimmy Marriott 1 0 11.50 11.50

All Results

Date Event Player Allies Position Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
2017-12-1616th Dec17 AltiBashV Richard Miles 14 of 16 11.40
2018-09-011st Sep18 Battle Masters Matt James 8 of 24 47.60
2018-08-1616th Aug18 Clash at Kingston 3 Phil Dangerfield 5 of 10 33.60
2018-10-1414th Oct18 Clash of Kings Simon Clifford 2 of 80 98.75
2018-02-044th Feb18 FFS GT Jimmy Marriott 29 of 32 11.50
2018-08-1212th Aug18 Jack of Herts Simon Clifford 2 of 12 39.60
2018-01-1313th Jan18 King of the North Richard Miles 12 of 12 3.60
2018-08-1818th Aug18 Let Slip the Dogs of War Simon Clifford 3 of 20 57.60
2018-08-1818th Aug18 Let Slip the Dogs of War Callum Maccuaig 13 of 20 25.60
2018-02-2424th Feb18 Moon Rising Ed Herzig 7 of 16 28.50
2018-09-1616th Sep18 Tides of War 10 Nick Davies 7 of 10 22.40
2018-05-1919th May18 Tides of War 9 - BotOK Andrew Ashton 17 of 20 12.80