


Click here for a full explanation of the ranking calculations.

Player Summary

# Player Events Podiums Avg Score Ranking Score
1 Dominic Stavacre 7 1 61.04 256.31
2 Matt James 8 4 49.15 190.11
3 Jez Gurney 4 0 56.81 180.10
4 David Crabtree 4 1 42.73 155.73
5 Alex Lover 4 0 39.34 138.50
6 Sam Barker 3 0 44.51 133.52
7 Richard Tomlinson 3 2 33.73 101.20
8 Daniel Hannon 3 0 26.77 80.32
9 Richard Heath 2 0 39.77 79.53
10 David Ford 6 0 14.66 62.90
11 Daniel Read 1 0 49.40 49.40
12 Adam Beaumont 2 0 12.00 24.00
13 Skylar Grayson 1 0 22.40 22.40

All Results

Date Event Player Allies Position Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
2018-07-2828th Jul18 AltiBASH VI David Crabtree 13 of 16 15.20
2018-07-2828th Jul18 AltiBASH VI Jez Gurney 4 of 16 49.40
2018-07-2828th Jul18 AltiBASH VI Richard Tomlinson 3 of 16 53.20
2018-09-011st Sep18 Battle Masters Jez Gurney 6 of 24 53.20
2018-09-011st Sep18 Battle Masters Dominic Stavacre 5 of 24 56.00
2018-01-2121st Jan18 Beers of War IV Richard Tomlinson 3 of 12 48.00
2018-04-2929th Apr18 Beers of War V David Ford 13 of 14 8.46
2017-12-022nd Dec17 Christmas Carnage 3 Daniel Hannon 5 of 14 42.29
2018-08-1616th Aug18 Clash at Kingston 3 David Ford 9 of 10 11.20
2018-08-1616th Aug18 Clash at Kingston 3 Skylar Grayson 7 of 10 22.40
2018-08-1616th Aug18 Clash at Kingston 3 Adam Beaumont 8 of 10 16.80
2018-10-1414th Oct18 Clash of Kings Richard Heath 46 of 80 43.75
2018-10-1414th Oct18 Clash of Kings David Crabtree 45 of 80 45.00
2018-10-1414th Oct18 Clash of Kings Jez Gurney 19 of 80 77.50
2018-10-1414th Oct18 Clash of Kings Dominic Stavacre 3 of 80 97.50
2018-10-1414th Oct18 Clash of Kings David Ford 55 of 80 32.50
2018-10-1414th Oct18 Clash of Kings Alex Lover 33 of 80 60.00
2018-02-2424th Feb18 Clash of Kingston 2 David Ford 13 of 14 8.46
2018-05-1212th May18 Cry Havoc! David Crabtree 17 of 25 24.48
2018-05-1212th May18 Cry Havoc! Matt James 5 of 25 57.12
2018-05-1212th May18 Cry Havoc! David Ford 23 of 25 8.16
2018-02-044th Feb18 FFS GT Sam Barker 6 of 32 77.63
2018-02-044th Feb18 FFS GT David Crabtree 3 of 32 86.25
2018-02-044th Feb18 FFS GT Dominic Stavacre 4 of 32 83.38
2018-02-044th Feb18 FFS GT Matt James 11 of 32 63.25
2018-02-044th Feb18 FFS GT Daniel Hannon 22 of 32 31.63
2018-02-044th Feb18 FFS GT Alex Lover 13 of 32 57.50
2018-01-1313th Jan18 King of the North Adam Beaumont 11 of 12 7.20
2018-10-066th Oct18 KINGS of WARborne Matt James 3 of 12 48.00
2018-08-1818th Aug18 Let Slip the Dogs of War David Ford 15 of 20 19.20
2018-02-1717th Feb18 Mhorgoth's Lament Sam Barker 7 of 16 38.00
2018-05-1212th May18 Rushden Rumble Dominic Stavacre 5 of 10 25.20
2018-05-1212th May18 Rushden Rumble Alex Lover 6 of 10 21.00
2018-07-2121st Jul18 Shroud of the Reaper - Dicing with Death Dominic Stavacre 6 of 16 41.80
2018-07-2121st Jul18 Shroud of the Reaper - Dicing with Death Daniel Read 4 of 16 49.40
2018-07-077th Jul18 South West Clash 2 Jez Gurney 14 of 28 47.14
2018-07-077th Jul18 South West Clash 2 Dominic Stavacre 5 of 28 75.43
2018-07-077th Jul18 South West Clash 2 Matt James 9 of 28 62.86
2018-07-077th Jul18 South West Clash 2 Alex Lover 23 of 28 18.86
2018-03-1717th Mar18 Tides of War - 8 Matt James 3 of 16 53.20
2018-09-1616th Sep18 Tides of War 10 Matt James 3 of 10 44.80
2018-05-1919th May18 Tides of War 9 - BotOK Dominic Stavacre 6 of 20 48.00
2018-05-1919th May18 Tides of War 9 - BotOK Matt James 1 of 20 64.00
2018-05-1919th May18 Tides of War 9 - BotOK Daniel Hannon 19 of 20 6.40
2018-04-077th Apr18 Treekin Advance Sam Barker 17 of 22 17.89
2018-04-077th Apr18 Treekin Advance Richard Heath 11 of 22 35.78
2018-01-2828th Jan18 UK Masters 2017 Richard Tomlinson 13 of 16 0.00
2018-01-2828th Jan18 UK Masters 2017 Matt James 10 of 16 0.00