Shroud of the Reaper - Slay Bells Ring 3


Date8th December 2024
SeasonSeason starting January 2024
EditionThird Edition
Format1 day, Singles, 3 games, 2345 points.
LocationFreemantle Hall, 51-75 Bexley High St, Bexley
PackEvent Pack
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First Place Ian Sturgess

Second Place Danny Flash Graves

Third Place Paul Fox

Ohh what a nice guy Danny Flash Graves

Best Reaper Seb Reeves

Best Army Mick McKee


Click here for a full explanation of the ranking calculations.

Placing Player Name Faction Win/Draw/Loss Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
1 Ian Sturgess Trident Realm of Neritica 3/0/0566580.5%80.00
2 Danny Flash Graves Basileans 3/0/0488069.4%76.00
3 Paul Fox Forces of Nature 2/1/0522074.2%72.00
4 Gavin Downey Nightstalkers 2/0/1462565.7%68.00
5 Andy Marshall Free Dwarfs 2/0/1454064.5%64.00
6 Grant Alexander Nightstalkers 2/0/1434061.7%60.00
7 Matt Goody Empire of Dust 2/0/1429061%56.00
8 Jon Gunns Forces of the Abyss 2/0/1297042.2%52.00
9 Robert Hutson Dwarfs 1/1/1529075.2%48.00
10 Mark Cunningham Ogres 1/1/1425560.5%44.00
11 Ed Barnett Ratkin 1/1/1287040.8%40.00
12 Seb Reeves Forces of Nature 1/1/1265537.7%36.00
13 Justin Gisby-Clark Dwarfs 1/0/2481068.4%32.00
14 Nick Roberts Varangur 1/0/2372552.9%28.00
15 Mick McKee Salamanders 1/0/2314044.6%24.00
16 John Randall Ogres 1/0/2290541.3%20.00
17 Stephen Stead Halflings 1/0/2260537%16.00
18 Conrad Gonsalves Free Dwarfs 0/1/2367052.2%12.00
19 Tony Ringrose Abyssal Dwarfs 0/0/3360051.2%8.00
20 Nigel Emsen The League of Rhordia 0/0/3305043.4%4.00