Explode-a-Con: March to War


Date20th March 2022
SeasonSeason starting January 2022
EditionThird Edition
Format1 day, Singles, 3 games, 1995 points.
LocationEntoyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre , Poole
PackEvent Pack
CalendarAdd to Calendar



Welcome to Explode-a-Con.

A three day event that is hosting five Mantic games systems to be held at Entoyment on between 18th 20th March 2022.
There will be three main day events and two evening events. Due to timings of our events please be aware that all events will be timed so you can get as many games in as possible.

More info on https://www.facebook.com/Exploding8

Friday 18th March 2022
09:00-16:15 Vanguard
17:15pm -22:15pm The Very first Walking Dead All-out war UK Nationals
Dungeon saga will be held in the RPG room in the evening.

Sci-Fiday 19th March 2022
9:00– 16:15 DeadZone
17:15– 22:15 The Southern Regionals for Dreadball
10:00-11:00 When Fantasy meets History
12:00 A golden Demon painting winner will be giving a painting class.
Star Saga will be held in the RPG room in the evening. From 18:00

Sunday 20th March 2022
9:00 17:00 Kings of War

What Else is going On
There will be other Mantic Games set up for you to play.
There will be a Call to Arms Board Firefight table available throughout the tournament.
Feel free to book the table to play these games.

The Full Monty £50.00
The Weekender £40.00
Singleton £25.00
Day Release £10.00


First Place Simon Brand

Second Place Paul Fox

Third Place Michael Smith

4th Place Michael Lamb

Most Sporting Michael Lamb

Best Painted Todd Durkin

Most Double 1s on Ne Checks Laurence Dewsnap

Wooden Spoon Tim Croft


Click here for a full explanation of the ranking calculations.

Placing Player Name Faction Win/Draw/Loss Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
1 Simon Brand Ratkin 3/0/0553092.4%80.00
2 Paul Fox Elves 3/0/0477079.7%76.00
3 Michael Smith Ratkin Slaves 2/0/1516086.2%72.00
4 Michael Lamb Dwarfs 2/0/1453075.7%68.00
5 Steve Evans Order of the Brothermark 2/0/1426071.2%64.00
6 Matt Gee Ogres 2/0/1340056.8%60.00
7 Richard Luke Basileans 2/0/1356059.5%56.00
8 Danny Flash Graves Forces of Nature 2/0/1302050.5%52.00
9 Christopher Dwane Trident Realm of Neritica 2/0/1338556.6%48.00
10 Jon Gunns Undead 2/0/1281047%44.00
11 Ian Davies Forces of the Abyss 1/1/1408068.2%40.00
12 Matt Goody Empire of Dust 1/1/1268044.8%36.00
13 Todd Durkin Nightstalkers 1/0/2372062.2%32.00
14 Andy Marshall Basileans 1/0/2371562.1%28.00
15 Laurence Dewsnap Orcs 1/0/2308051.5%24.00
16 Neil Scott Kingdoms of Men 1/0/2229038.3%20.00
17 Matthew Dewsnap Northern Alliance 1/0/2217536.3%16.00
18 Seb Reeves The League of Rhordia 0/0/3281547%12.00
19 Alan Goodenough Kingdoms of Men 0/0/3158526.5%8.00
20 Tim Croft Forces of the Abyss 0/0/3125521%4.00