UK Rankings

Season starting January 2024

# Player Score
1 Michael Smith 313.11
2 Andy Marshall 306.07
3 Alistair Vowles 267.02
4 Tom Robinson 248.00
5 Jonathan Luke 245.09
6 Heath Barnes 244.66
7 Jon Gunns 223.60
8 Richard Tomlinson 213.48
9 Chris Lynch 207.70
10 Ben Hampshire 206.24
11 Nick Williams 201.70
12 Todd Durkin 196.63
13 Simon Tanner 191.56
14 Max Mayo-Dell 188.77
15 Richard Luke 188.38
16 Danny Flash Graves 174.78

Submit Results

Please send a copy of your event's final results on the Results Submission form to

Please include the player name, their rank, the faction they used, any non-podium awards (e.g. Best army, most sporting etc.), the total wins, draws and losses and total kill points.

Please include a link to submitted army lists, or include them on the email in a zip file.

Upcoming Events

20th Apr - Easter Endurance Entoyment, Poole

27th Apr - Battles in the Undercroft III Carlisle Cathedral Undercroft, Carlisle Cathedral, Cumbria

4th May - Shroud of the Reaper - A New Hope Freemantle Hall, 51-75 Bexley High St, Bexley

4th May - Ambush in the Docks Atlas Tabletop Gaming, Gloucester

18th May - Champions Of The Vale Firestorm Games, Cardiff

25th May - Kings of War - Light the Beacons Board in Brum, Unit 2, The ERA Industrial Estate, , Walsall

26th May - KoW Brighton III Ye Olde King & Queens, Brighton

8th Jun - The Rushden Rumble 2024 The Rushden Scouts Hall, Rushden

Submit Event

To submit a new event for including on the calendar, please download and complete the Event Submission form then e-mail the completed form to